I ventured into the Food Co-Op today in search of Mark's cereal ingredients. I will be learning how to roast and grind golden flax seeds. I guess I shouldn't really say "learn", it seems like a no brainer. I have a spice grinder so that's as easy as pushing a button for 15 seconds. The roasting, I guess I just throw in a hot pan and constantly stir? No oil, butter or anything. I even found some cool containers for all this stuff so it will all be well organized and even labeled. Hulled hemp seeds - expensive!
My to-do list on my fridge - the one for short term - is longer than normal. I am so behind on house duties. It dosen't matter that I put a huge bin of toys in storage, toys are still everywhere. It's endless. Always everywhere. It's been lovely but I have to scream now!
I'm dreaming a lot these days of a toy room. Mark and I have been talking about buying a laptop and getting rid of the desktop all together and just eliminate the whole office thing. That way we could turn the laundry room/office into a laundry room/toy room. Every single toy would either be in their rooms, or in the toy room. They seem to gravitate towards this room anyways. Well, actually we would stick the desktop in a hidden corner somewhere for the girls to play with. Isabel was introduced to the computer a few days ago, so I see 2 Kidzui accounts in the near future. I am sick to death of toys in the living room.
Everyday I think of my ever growing spring to-do list. Make laundry soap, finish dresser, finish hutch, paint ugly wall, paint hallway, paint the girls' toy cabinet, get the garden's started, get rid of cheap ugly bookcases and finally bring in the custome one sitting in my garage that Mark had as a child, utilize Aikido training and gain more patience, replant bamboo's, this, that, then another thing..kdlfasodfhoiwehfoiawneflkasdnflksadjf aotwor9w3ej p[d.
As long as a house renovation dosen't pop up somewhere, I'm golden.
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