Sunday, July 1, 2012

To Catch Up

It's been a while hasn't it? Time has slipped away from me and wow are we busy around here! Cooking has been a  challenge as I constantly fight comfort food cravings as opposed to salads and lighter dishes. We're just going to put the cooking aside for a bit and talk about jam. Earlier this year I made 4 small batches of a peach raspberry jam that became my pride and joy. BUT, I couldn't get it to set the way I would have hoped. I didn't really care at first because the jam was so good, and had low sugar content. My husband became very possessive over "his" jam. That alone gave me a great sense of satisfaction. 

I've only been making jam for a few years, and was still learning the science of it all. So while at the Food Co-Op, I found Pomona's Universal Pectin. A pectin that doesn't have calcium mixed in, and it better suited for low sugar jams and jellies. A little light went off, and I bought a few boxes. One box will make 4 batches. So I get home and start reading all about this pectin. I learned I had to make my own calcium water with this little packet that came in the box, cool it, and add it to fruit before the heat kicks in. I had my jars, I had my fruits, and I was ready to stand over a hot hot stove for part of the day. 

What some people might like about this is that the measurements are flexible. You can add a little more, or a little less of both the pectin powder (that really looks more like whole wheat flour) and the calcium water that hangs out in your fridge in a glass jar that you MUST swirl around every so often. I decided that I do not like this and will never use what I have left. I made 4 batches of jam that day - the first too "jelly". The second a little less, but still too "jelly", the third was the same, and the forth seemed too "jelly".  I modified the tablespoon amounts with each batch and couldn't find common ground. Now I'm left with 4 batches of jam that are much darker in color than they should be, that are too jelly for me to be happy with, and a husband secretly wondering why the hell would his wife mess with a good thing?

What do I plan to do? I've been thinking about it for a while. I have decided to go back to the original pectin that I used the first time. I don't care if it's not the thick consistency of jams, I need jam that I can proudly gift away, knowing that the person receiving it will hide it from their kids and savor it themselves. So, I'm going to dump it all out, and start over. I won't do this until I get my fruit again so it could be a few weeks. Until then we will suffice and I will only cringe slightly when I open the fridge to pick a jar to use.

On a side note about pectin - I looked into making my own. PASS! It's a kitchen nightmare in the waiting and I'll stick to my 21st century style. 

Let's talk about fish. I know this isn't the greatest picture of a fresh caught Sockeye Salmon, but here you go! For the first time ever, the Skagit river has opened up for 1 month to allow for Sockeye salmon fishing. The fishing crowds are wild and competitive. It was completely uncharted territory for us, but my husband has managed to bring some home! The meat is so red and rich and needs little additional flavoring. We've been grilling it with a good olive oil and light sprinkles of seasoning salt. Add a good bottle of wine and dinner is served. I saw some in Costco for $10/lb and it wasn't near the color fresh out of the water. I'm very thankful to be able to experience this!

I've recently learned to make a good shrimp scampi, chicken curry in the crockpot, and edible play dough - that we still have and is soft as ever! I've finished some projects and haven't added anymore. My hutch is finally finished and in the dining room where it belongs.

I went to Snohomish with my mom and we went to a few garage/rummage sales. I found large amounts of fabrics that will be perfect for the curtains I've been planning on making for Isabel's room, a large stainless steel scoop for my large storage of flour, and a 1940's sewing table that is in amazingly good condition. So much so that I'm not sure I want to do a single thing to it. It doesn't have the sewing machine which is more than fine with me. I haven't tried to put my machine in the slot yet, but if it doesn't fit, it will be easy to cut some good wood to fill in the spot, making it nice and flush so I can just simply set my machine on top. Either way, I couldn't be more happy. Folded up and in it's spot it looks pretty darn good. I have to say I am one happy girl! 

Now off to make bread!