I still has 1 bowl left of turkey and we are all sick of turkey sandwhiches so I did what millions of other people are doing with their turkey, I made a casserole. Simple and easy. I have been enjoying a wine that is AWESOME in my opinion. Kenwood Vintage Red Wine. Yumm!
Also I made fudge today for the first time ever. The picture above shows it still setting. If it dosent set properly, a common not so well understood problem I hear, thats ok, I'll spoon it! I also worked on Mia's blanket a bit today. I've reminded myself I have til Christmas Eve to finish so I'm not rushing it. I'm trying to think of something else I can add to it, maybe on the edges or just on the corner. We'll see, I'll post a finished product when I can.
Wow! What a day you have had!! Everything looks wonderful.............