Fish taco's. I debated whether or not I would even mention these sad, little pathetic taco's but decided it would be a good outlet for me to get over the distress I went through with these. I has this recipe I had been wanting to try forever. So finally, I had all the right ingredients. I also bought masa mix to make my own corn tortillas. I recently watched the girls at the last dinner party do it, and it looked so easy so I thought there would be no problem at all. Wrong. I don't know what I did or didn't do, but for the life of me, they just wouldn't come out right. After the first batch was a bust, I went online for reinforcements and tried a new recipe. Bad, just bad. After trying a third time with a third recipe, it too, came out bad. Now my feelings are hurt and honestly a bit embarrassed and by this time, I had used the whole bag of masa. Shit, lucky me, I had corn tortillas on hand and just heated them up. My husband once told me a long time ago "you fail at the most basic of tasks (cooking) and master the most difficult." He gently reminded me of this again. Now my kitchen is in complete disarray, my brain is annoyed, and I'm thinking Taco's Guaymas for dinner. But I sucked it up and started my fish taco's. I followed the recipe and did everything as it said with the exception of the mango salsa. I added cilantro and a bit of sugar. That wasn't bad at all, even the cabbage mix wasn't bad. It was all the fish. I was suppose to slice the fillets, drizzle them with a butter and spice mixture and then bake them for 6 minutes or until they flaked. Well, it came out very bland. You could definitly taste the fish, but not the flavoring. Who wants to eat unflavored Cod? Not I said this momma. If I did it again, I would have tripled the spice called for. Anyways, now my kitchen is a real mess. Like the mess that takes an hour to clean type of mess and I'm frazzled and running in circles. So I put that damb things together and maybe they look good in the picture, but I was disappointed. My husband didn't mind them and Mia did the usual mess of her dinner plate, but with all the time I spent on these and the gigantic mess I looked forward to not cleaning, maybe I was being biased and refusing to allow myself to enjoy them. It was a good call on adding cilantro and sugar to the mango salsa, that really helped close up my wounded pride of failed tortillas and bland fish. Last summer at one of our dinner parties, we had fish taco's. Baja fish taco's to be exact, and they took a ton of work and even more ingredients, but they were hands down the best I've ever had. Next time, I will go that extra mile to relish in success and end up with a full belly. I crossed this recipe out of my cookbook that I used and wrote - NOT GOOD!

I made dinner rolls yesturday afternoon, not sure what was for dinner but knew it would need to be something to go good with these. Mia helped me roll some, she had fun.

So I made spaghetti. I didn't do the usual slow cook like I like to, I just got it done so I could eat. I was hungry.
Does anyone know why when you spend time writing and making perfect paragraphs, it posts as one long paragraph? How annoying!