My Rhubarb. It's at least tripled in size and I've been doing good at keeping slugs and snails away. Very soon, the area around this will be tilled and weed free and ready for the vegetable garden.

Bye-bye horseradish! This little garden has hydrangea, trillium, some sort of small lily, and really cool ferns that are almost dainty, I found a tag once and it was some sort of Japanese fern. I cleared this out a few weeks ago, but just a few days ago went at it again with a shovel. I pulled one horseradish root out that was almost 3 1/2 feet long! The smell of the root almost knocked me out. I've been trying to geted rid of it since we moved in. It's proven to be quit the fighter! I don't have plans to plant here, when the ferns and the hydrangea are in full bloom, it's all perfectly situated.

This is one of the front gardens. Mia and I spent 3 hours clearing, pulling, raking, and trimming this area. This is where my peonies are. At this moment I have a tomato cage helping them train, but think I may go get some real peonie cages today so I can sit back and watch them grow. I also have a ton of blue bells, a pink dogwood tree that is gorgous during summer and a few lilies that do still bloom (at least I think I kept the right ones) This is where I pulled countless "dead" lily bulbs. I have some tulips in another garden that need to be moved and I think this is where I want them. There are a few open spots that would do good with a nice hearty flower.
We also just got the tiller fixed so we are about to seriously rock' n' roll with gardening and I can't wait, we have veggies to plant!
I haven't done much cooking lately. I've been battling a migraine, no sleep, and a busy schedule. We've spent time outside in the yard, time away from home, a dinner out with friends and last night we BBQ'd. It's been a nice break for sure. Soon I will be doing a lot of experimenting with white cakes. I've had trouble with this in the past and I'm not stopping until I find a good white cake recipe that comes out perfect because I want white cake for Isabels birthday. Stay tuned!
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