I woke up this morning, at 5:30, and couldn't go back to sleep. Thanks Bel. It was a day where I didn't have any appointments of any kind, nowhere I needed to be, nothing I needed to do. Just relax, fold some laundry, and hang with my girls. It was the type of day I always look forward to.
I have known for some time, that I would be running out of homemade jam. Since I didn't get grapes that were edible this year, I found myself in a bit of a fruit bind. I did make some blueberry jam, and that was good. I just didn't get the quantity I prefer to have, which is enough to eat for a year, share, and gift away. Not even close. I never thought I would really depend on those grapes to turn out good. No thanks to all the extra rain last year.
So I battled with having to buy fruit, which is expensive when you buy large quantities to make a lot of jam or jelly. But it had to be done. So I found a recipe that I felt pretty good about, and it had half the amount of sugar than your average recipe, which I always end up doing on my own. So hopefully, I wouldn't have to make any changes and could just cook and can away without a care.
So here are the peaches. I couldn't find fresh peaches anywhere, so I went with canned which scares me but, it's better than buying jam at the store. So here I am mashing them.

One last bit, I finally did the paint touch ups in the play room. I bought a sample can of the color, which is really all I needed. It went on funny, and knowing well that it always dries differently, gave it a bit of time. Once dried, I was kinda mad. It's a very light beige, not the pale sage it should be. I'll give them one more chance to get the color right, and if they can't do that, then I'm just gonna re-paint the whole room. Which I don't mind because I LOVE to paint walls.
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