True story. I miss art. I miss the peace I got from sketching, or drawing, or painting, or being covered in charcoal. I was thinking, the last time I even picked up a medium, was in high school when I took an Advanced Fine Arts class. I did my best in that class and I still have my portfolio, hiding. In the closet. All by itself. They've traveled. They've been in storage. They've been moved. I think they need new friends. Ha ha ha.
The girls got to play in the snow today, and they had a lot of fun. They came in wet, and dirty from all the mud. Then we enjoyed a nice big pot of black forrest ham and potato soup and continued out Sonic Generations day. Mia kicked ass and took names, it's amazing to watch her! I haven't been juicing too much lately, I'm not sure why. Just haven't been in the mood, but we've had a lot of salads, some with chicken and some without.
Isabel has really taken another step towards growing up. She's learning faster than Mia I think because she has that child like influence. She's already this amazing little problem solver who climbs, explores, imitates and talks. I melt every time I see the girls together, smiling, giggling, and loving each other. They always run into our room, shut the door, climb in our bed, and snuggle together. They're so quite about it, so when we investigate their whereabouts, I find them being the sweetest of sisters, I just can't get over it sometimes. Although stressful, having 2 little girls is amazing.
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