Monday, April 18, 2016

From A Seed To A Forest

April 18, 2016

First off, I am loving this wonderfully warm weather that we are having. It feels like the tail end of June, definitely not feeling like it’s still April. If this is a taste of our summer to come, I can’t wait to hit the lake. Baby is coming along, I was suppose to do my glucose test this morning, and I completely forgot I wasn’t suppose to eat so I had to reschedule. Really not looking forward to it as they will be pricking my finger for blood afterwards. I detest needles. My severe distaste for them is 80% of the reason I birth my babies with no pain medication whatsoever. 

I’m still overwhelmed with the amount of things I have going on; my house, my garden, our family and business. With all that going on, we just stepped up on the diving board and are ready to jump right into the world of real estate, but from a completely different angle. The angle that we are planning on using is a new concept to us and until I fully understand how it works, I can’t talk about it. But to most, it would be considered unconventional. Risky. Dangerous. But in order to be successful on the level that we want, we must step way outside of our comfort zone.  This wont be easy, and involves a ton of work and as long as we avoid a few things along the way, I see no limit to the empire we want to build and leave for our girls. 

Things to avoid along the way:
1. Nay sayers. These are the people that think that what we are doing is just a “venture”. The ones that would never understand what we are doing and how we are going about it. These are also the people that would call the conventions that we are going to a “scam”. Well, when you go with a closed mind, you don’t stand to gain anything from it so in a way they’re right. With an open mind and the time and ability to learn new things, things that are very real and very possible, it’s far from a scam, and I would even go as far as to call it the best “college education anyone could ever receive”.
2. Negative people. Simply the ones that never have anything good to say about anything or anyone, let alone what we are trying to do. 
3. People that tell us to just “get a job”. JOB = “just over broke”. As long as your answering to others, you will never reach your goal of complete financial freedom and success. 

We went to a quick convention this past weekend, and although it was nothing compared to the 3 day convention in Las Vegas, it was very motivational for us and right up our ally. We have a 3 day convention coming up in June and that can’t come fast enough. It’s been interesting to see our current business evolve and grow successfully, and how these new ideas are tying into the business. It’s all about learning to run a business of systems, and not break our backs doing the work ourselves.  Some would consider us “self employed”. Self employment allows you no days off, no getting sick, no vacation time etc; If your self employed, and get sick - you lose money. Nobody is doing anything for you because your whole business depends on YOU. 

Hiring our first employee, and setting up meetings with sub contractors is quickly getting us out of the “self employed” category. We are running an LLC business, we want to pay others to make money for us. We want to be able to go to Thailand for 3 weeks, while our business(s) are still running at full capacity and with money still coming in. Can’t do that if your self employed can you? No, you can’t. 

On top of all this, it’s important to teach our kids everything that we are learning. Not only do we (and we definitely will) want to leave our kids an empire, we want nothing more than for them to have the financial literacy and education to be able to build their own empire. They sure as shit aren’t going to learn this in traditional school. It’s all up to us. 

I wrote today’s blog with the noise of my girls playing in the sprinkler, giggling, laughing, teaching each other how to write in cursive, and taking a phone call about getting two home inspectors for a client. I call today a success. Now, if only dinner would make itself, that would be blissfully perfect. 

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