This is proofing. Or sourdough "sponge". I took what has been in the fridge growing for the past week and threw it in a bowl. I added some warm water and flour and then mixed it well.

Our breakfast! French toast. A not so top secret recipe involving nutmeg. It was yummy!

Froth. This is what I was to look out for while doing my sponge, or proofing. A bubbly white froth that clusters on the top. Must be accompanied by a bad smell, or at least a sour smell. This tells you it's ready. (I know the picture is bad, didn't realize it at the time but you can still see the froth puddling on top)

At this point, I've added sugar, oil, salt and a lot of flour. I've kneaded and kneaded and missed a bit of the football game to do so. It sat in a bowl for about 6 1/2 hours to rise. I've also learned that when you produce your own bread yeast, rising time is dramatically different. No more 30 minute rises! This picture is actually of the 2nd rising. After the first, it was kneaded a bit more and then placed on the stone. I had to cover it with a paper towel to sit for just a bit. When I was ready to bake, directions specifically state that you put the bread in the oven while the oven is stone cold. THEN you turn the oven on and start the timer. No pre-heating allowed.

Finally, a finished product! I smelled no sourdough smell while this was baking and the cool time is pretty long. I honestly have not cracked into it to taste. I think I'm a bit scared. So much time and effort into one loaf of bread, I'm not sure what I would do if it didn't taste the way I want it to.
One a different note, we had kielbasa & potato soup for dinner with fresh baked artisan bread. I was too lazy to take a picture. The recipe is my mothers and has been a long standing favorite of mine since forever. I don't dare change it with the exception of the meat. Originally you would put ham in it. I went to make this years ago and didnt have ham and didnt want to go to the store so I put ground sausage in it. It was just as good! With the sausage, it sort of starts to taste like the sausage soup they have at Olive Garden. It's also good with polish sausage and kielbasa. I can never resist making a huge pot of it so that I can have some for breakfast the next morning. Yumm!
This looks so yummy! I will have to attempt it sometime.
ReplyDeleteI make the olive garden tuscana soup all the time. Just like reg. potato soup but I add spicy italian suasage and kale! So yummy, Kislbasa sounds really good to...never thought about it before!