So I thought that this would be a good time to sort of get my foot in the door and learn all about meat. So far, every roast I've done has been in the crock pot. I did try some recipes that came out pretty good. Todays wasn't bad, but it wasnt great. I didnt use a recipe, I was kind of just going for simple. Start from the bottom and work my way up.
I started by doing a dry rub of various herbs, salt and pepper, then I browned it in a pan with a bit of oil. I chopped carrots, potatoes, celery and garlic then threw it all over the roast in the pot. I used beef broth, some water and some other seasonings. I used a digital meat thermometer that becomes more and more awesome the more I use it. That told me when it was ready. Even though I turned it off to let it cool a bit, then put it on the warm setting, it did continue to cook so it was about 10 minutes too well done. I should have stopped it at 150 instead of 165. Lesson learned. My husband helped me out with his by suggesting I do a dry rub, and marinate it over night. Good thinkin' love!
During all this, I made some bread to go with dinner. I sure missed having artisan bread in the fridge at all times, so I made a batch. I usually let it sit in the fridge overnight before I use it, but I kinda wanted it today. I knew I would think this way so I started it a few hours before I started my roast so it would at least get 4+ hours of fridge time. The bread was still good but I felt like maybe I rushed it a bit to much. Next time I'll be smart and just not be without! Imagine that.
I fed my sourdough started today. It seems to be doing ok. I think 2 more days at the most of feeding and then maybe its ready to be used. I'm not sure how I would handle another disappointement with this. I would probably walk away for quite some time and move onto french bread. Or cinammon rolls! My husband wants me to make those. They sure take a while though. Maybe something that I would do the night before and then I could just wake up and throw them in the over. I have to do more research on that to see if that would be possible.
P.S...Im eating a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie with a giant glass of milk and Im enjoying every calorie of that and if my husband is reading this, Im sure Im in trouble!
It all looks wonderful Val!!