Things have been so insanely busy lately, I've barely had time to think about eating. When I did find time to cook, it was so rushed or my mind was too busy to think of taking pics, or even getting on here to write about them. Lets see, I remember making bacon cheeseburgers, awesome sweet sausage spaghetti with homemade bread, a whole string of breakfasts, we had Papa Murphys one night, and the rest of the days missed were a blurr.
So I am going to apologize ahead of time because things are about to get a lot more busy around here for a little while, and to think I thought things couldnt possibly speed up. Wrong! I wonder if I'll ever be bored again. Tomorrow is girls night - the monthly dinner party. I am doing a side dish but also in the morning I will be making a lasagna and placing that in the fridge. When my mom gets here to babysit the girls, they will have yummy lasagna with french bread. Sadly, I will be buying the bread at the store because I dont have a minute to spare tomorrow and surely no time to make bread. So in short, please be patient with my day(s) skipped with no writing. Its 10pm, Im going to finish my cup of coffee and finish some more tasks around the house before I can even think of crawling into bed...and lets pray I'm not up at 5am.
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