Yeast, sugar and 115 degree water sitting. I gave it a swirl or two to make it's short life interesting.

Pizza dough mixed, kneaded and ready to rise. I added a quick dash or 3 of oregano and it gave the dough a nice little flavor.

Got my toppings on. I kept this pizza pretty basic because it was the first time using the recipe myself and I didn't want to put too much time or ingredients just in case it didn't come out very well. Sauce, pepperoni, fresh mozzarella, red onions, and olives.

Done! I had a quick errand to run, so as soon as I put the pizza in the oven to bake, I took off. So my husband is the one who got to see it fresh out of the oven. So sadly I didn't get that picture but I took one of the slices that were left for me. I was pleasantly surprised! I've tried a few different dough recipes, some from scratch and one from Jiffy...and I don't know what I was doing wrong, but they were all bad. I finally got it!
I plan to work on this for a while, doubling the dough recipe and putting more time and effort into awesome ingredients. I'm craving a huge breakfast but being so busy I haven't had the time to finish grocery shopping so I don't have any potatos or breakfast meat :(...now THAT is an epic fail if I ever heard of one. I can hear my husband silently screaming with the upmost patience. I guess I have a bit to do. Goodnight!
Yummmy Pizza!!!!