A plug. LOL, that's funny. I took a picture of this plug because it's the first plug I've ever changed and I didn't electrocute myself! I've made it my goal to know this house through and through. One thing I realized I hadn't bothered with, was the electrical - which might I add - was a mess! So to replace each of these plugs takes time. Your dealing with stiff copper wiring and to make it more interesting, as my husband says "this house is not normal", we never know what kind of wiring we are going to find until we pull the whole plug out. Some are wired with stuff from the 20's, then the next one is new and properly installed, then the next one is updated, but backwards. Changing these requires about 10 minutes of time per plug, and that's if it's done properly from the beginning. So he taught me how to do this, and again, if it's done right to begin with, I can do it. I have to say I was proud of myself.

Part of kitchen. Ready to be finished with a high gloss paint and new knobs.

This is another corner of the kitchen and a view of the storage in the small hallway. All ready for paint and new knobs.

I finally painted one of the bedrooms today. All the plugs and switches have been replaced (after they were fixed), windows and trim all primered and ready for paint and then my favorite part - the new floor. This "color" is called Classic Khaki - a good color for a rental house. Not plain ol' white, but something everyone can work with no matter their style.
I'm in the mood to cook today, but am craving spaghetti. I'll do a slow cook I think and bake some fresh bread. My husband is at the house doing electrical, so I'm enjoying a bit of quite time with Mia. I always enjoy having time to set the table without any kind of rush. Been a good Friday so far!
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