My mix of long grain rice and wild rice. Getting ready to make a simple rice pilaf.

Frying (slowly and on low heat) cod seasoned with salt and pepper. If you fry a fish such as cod - you want to put the fish in the pan when it's still cold. This will prevent the ends from curling up. Start the fish on very low heat for about 2 minutes, then bring it up to medium heat. This method works best when there is skin on the fish. I used skinless, but always a good tip to keep in mind. Salmon fishing just started and I expect fresh salmon on my table in the next few weeks. Skin on.

Sauteed quartered cherry tomatoes, fresh scallions, a dash of white wine vinegar, and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Once that is done, you then add fresh cilantro and thyme sprigs. I was out of good thyme sprigs so I used dried thyme.

A healty dinner served, Chef Ramsay style. I baked a loaf of egg bread and sliced some for dinner as well. I enjoyed this dinner, with some reservations. The way Gordon Ramsay writes out his recipes, dosen't always include a measurment. So I'm not sure what a "splash" is to him, but I did my "splash" and felt it was just a tiny bit too much. Next time - less white wine vinegar, more powdered sugar.
The wild rice pilaf was good! Again, with reservations. The long grain cooked well, and the wild rice was probably 30 seconds away from being fully cooked. I've read that soaking rices like this would be beneficial as to ensure that all the rice is cooked properly. The flavoring was awesome and we still gobbled it all up. Aww, life's little lessons.
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