My grapes on the other hand seem to be doing ok. I do worry about them because they certainly got too much rain. They hate that, and even showed some signs of a struggle. That seems to have disappeared, but they need a quad dose of yesturday!
Potatoes are doing great. I'm waiting for the plants/flowers to start dying off a bit them I will slowly start to dig them up. I planted a few varieties so it will be fun to see what I dig up.
As for my all around gardening that I had planned this year, I get an F. The crutial time when I should have been doing things, I was renovating a house. It seemed there was one thing after another keeping me from doing any major work. I sort of gave up in June and decided to just keep what I did have going the best that I could. Apparently when I learn to keep the yard and gardens better, I'll be able to bring home a puppy. Yes, I planted that seed last night.
Two weeks and counting, I should be no less than an hour into the mountains filling my big box with blackberries. Definitly with a few loaded guns as the bears desire this area heavily. I can't wait! I've been dreaming about blueberry and blackberry pie.
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