I've also decided why my blog has suffered and why I haven't been doing a whole lot. I needed a break. A long break. I can only be a 50's housewife for so long before I need a few drinks, and a visit from my Harvey roots.
Slowly I'm feeling the urge to come back and start baking and cooking an assortment of stuff. I made and baked bread for the first time in a long time yesturday and have cooked dinner 3 nights in a row now. I made a creamy smoked salmon pasta dish that was rich and sinful. Crusted hamburger pie. I cleaned a rotisserie chicken and made a good casserole with it.
My yard has also severly suffered as a result of my "absence". I feel embarrased by it. I need to harvest my potatoes soon and today feels like a good day to do that. My grapes did well with the recent heat and I have way too damb much rhubarb.
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