The Life Of A Stay At Home Mother & Wife...All While Running A Business...And Possibly Starting Others.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Nuts, Grains, And Lost Marbles
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Today's Take
I also came to the realization that I would have to change my grocery shopping schedule to accomadate for the constant flow of very fresh fruits and veggies. That will also take some adjusting as I spent a long time perfectly timing when I run out of staple items - so I only had to endure the sometimes 4 hour shopping trip just once every 2 weeks. It will be worth it in the end but will take some getting used to. I think I have a strong love-hate relationship with grocery shopping.
Being a mom has been difficult lately. Learning to let go, but wanting to hold on, is harder than I ever thought it could be. I've let go of Mia being a baby, and then a toddler, and accepted that she's now in preschool. I see her forming friendships at school and I know what's around the corner. Sleepover's, school 5 days a week, sports, teachers, a coach or two, friends parents - and then as I was browsing Pinterest, I found that perfect saying to match how I felt. "It's been lovely but I have to scream now!" Perfect.
I have this urge to re-arrange the house, mainly just the girls stuff. I still would like to update Mia's room. I came to the harsh reality just today in fact, that I would soon not be able to change Isabel on her changing table. She's just getting too big for it. I suppose I should figure out how to utilize it into a bookshelf or something. Before I know it, she's going to be in a big girl bed. It's been lovely but I have to scream now!
I'm excited to be moving forward in this direction, but it scares me at the same time. My parents will never fully understand how much I appreciated the freedom I was given as a child. I wonder if I'll be that strong as a mother as time goes on. I only see myself as the overprotective, ready to pounce, eyeballing every strangers every move, type of mother that desperatly needs to learn how to give my girls the freedom I had, but still be myself, as well as a protective, loving parent. Is there really a middle ground? I need to find it.
Friday, January 27, 2012
The Juicer
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Last 2 Weeks
As a result, he has been on more meds than we can keep track of, it's terrible, and terrible on him. I now have to change my whole thinking of food. He has been on a special bland, soft food diet and it's been hard to come up with things. Last night I did make a good vegetable soup with some jasmin rice that was actually really good, easily digestable, and something I would make again just because it was good.
We were never food junkies, but we weren't health nuts either. We were in the middle. We always stayed away from processed foods and made things from scratch, so I'd say 90% of the time, we knew exactly where our food came from. No packets, no premade, crap.
Now I have to step this up a notch. I have been thinking about how I could go about this without freaking out or starving myself. So here it is:
60% uncooked fruits and veggies.
30% breads, pastas, and any cooked deliciousness that we would enjoy.
10% proteins - preferably chicken and fish before red meat, and an occasional sweet treat and any fats.
Part of me is excited, part of me is dreading, and part of me wants to see how many vegetables I can put in my shopping cart next week. Instead of the regular 2 bags worth, I expect to see 5-6 bags of fresh fruits and veggies. Now, I also have a juicer, but that's a whole other post.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Good Lunch
The night before instead of doing something like cleaning - Mia and I baked a batch of good ol' oatmeal cookies. Just for fun.
The fish. This is the Steelhead that I made, I kept it simple by bathing it in lemon juice, sprinkled with sea salt and pepper, a descent amount of dill and a couple chunks of cold butter. Stick in oven of 400 for 15 minutes and this practically melts in your mouth.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Use The Avocado
So tomorrow I get to make this nice big lunch, and I'm excited to put some of my dinner party recipes to work. I plan on making baked tomato and feta cheese, 2 loaves of ciabatta strata bread to go with it, jasmin rice with butter and pepper, baked Steelhead, a green salad, and banana mouse with butterscotch ripple for dessert. I will be infusing oil for dipping the bread in, although I'm not sure with what, it's too easy to not experiment with.
I will be starting all my preperations today including cleaning, thawing my fish, infusing oil, making bread, and making the dessert - which can be refridgerated until needed, and setting the table. When I wake up tomorrow, I will have just a few things to do - the fish, rice, salad, and doing my best to keep the girls from tearing up any clean rooms and staying presentable. Need coffee!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Heartfelt And Hearty
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Yesturday I pulled out a venison roast for today. I plan on doing some sort of roast with sweet potatoes. Haven't decided just how I'm gonna go about it. Crockpot, dutch, stove top. It's nice that I can keep my options open and be chill about it. Today is a major cleaning and laundry day. I try to do that on Friday as the start of our week, but wasn't feeling so hot and took a lazy day for myself and hardly did anything. I have a love hate relationship with catching up on laundry. If I'm lucky, I'll have time to make some bread to go with the beautifully cut piece of venison we plan on feasting on.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Start With The South, End In The Northwest
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The Box
I have a notebook that I write things down on, like recipes, list etc; So in my short lived cleaning spree, I went through every page and pulled out the old to clean it out. I found a stack of recipes - some that will become family recipes handed down by that cranky old gramma Val, some that were so so, and some that I don't even remember trying. So I spent some time writing them down on recipe cards and filing them away to be placed out of sight from others. Some were soo long and complicated and had numerous additions, hints, and don't do's, so I simply folded those and filed it away as is. Like the lemon cake I made for my father-in-laws birthday. Definitly one of my proudest cake moments. Strawberry Savarin - a true 18th century French dessert, my own concoction of blueberry jam, crackers, fondue, chai pumpkin cheesecake and much more. What a year!
I've also decided to retire that old notebook. It's pretty beat up - I've had it for 5 years. With some Christmas money, I bought myself the neatest little notebook that isn't so big, and I can buy replacement pages for it if I ever fill it. It's perfect for recipe's, dinner party planning, and my usual random listings. I do have a dinner party coming up soon and I'm excited for it. I'll post about that when it comes, I've skipped blogging about the past few - oh my gosh the food was just amazing!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Difficulty Simplified

Sunday, January 1, 2012
New Year, New Brain, New Me
On New Years Eve, I had big plans to stay at home. My husband works and I don't really care to go out anyways, I'm such a homebody as a mother and that's fine with me. The past few months have been stressful for me, and I wondered how I would make it through them. I have come to terms with things (I think) and am ready to put all of it behind me and move forward. This is not a New Years resolution as I feel those are a waste of time and a pathetic excuse to convince yourself of something that probably won't be. I've been mulling over this for some time now.