So the past few months, I have battled with successfully producing good hashbrowns. I know, how hard could it possibly be? Well, as my husband always says, "you struggle with the most basic things, I don't get it." Me neither. The first time I made them, they were aweful and took almost an hour. I followed no recipe and didn't know what I was doing because I thought "how hard could it be?" Watching the process, you easily could have called me for a lush.
I proceeded to shred the potatoes by hand...forget the $200 food processor in the cupboard by your feet...do it by hand. I know. Then I think I just threw them in a pan with probably butter and wondered what the hell did I do wrong, because they were aweful.
So anyways, I've been working with one recipe for a while now. I've managed to get browns that taste good - I just have a hard time flipping them without them falling apart so it ends up looking like a mess - a good mess, but a mess none the less. I DO however use the food processor now so it takes me a whole minute to get a large bowl of shredded pot's. Then I give a good rinse, dab the excess water with a paper towel the best I can. Add flour, salt, pepper, and 1 scrambled egg. Toss well and throw in a hot pan with oil and butter.
I do need to make a trip soon to Gretchens, it's been too long.
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