The Juicer
Today I started juicing. I don't plan on getting obsessive over it, but would like to do it at least once a day. My husband was up with me this morning (not normal) so I thought it would be a good time to start. I started with basics and juiced apples, oranges, and carrots.
Here we go! It takes a lot to make a little. I remember that from the last time we juiced.
Breakfast. It really wasn't bad, the apples definitly helped with the flavor. I will say it didn't go well with my morning coffee, but luckily I was in a hurry to get Mia to preschool and head down to the Food Co-Op. Today was 4% Friday, so our preschool recieved 4% of the Skagit Valley Food Co-Op's total sales for the day. So I went down and contributed some bucks, talked to customers and promoted. It was fun, different, and should be pretty successful! Yay!
Dinner. Chicken, avocado, tomato, cucumber, spinach, arugula, seasonings and a bit of Italian dressing. Did good for my 60% uncooked! I did make a pot of Miso, since I stocked up on fresh Miso from the co-op, and I made some sweet potato mash. Oh and I almost forgot! For lunch I made a protein smoothie. Bananas, chocolate syrup, chocolate frozen yogurt, ice, and a scoop of protein powder. It was yummy! Sort of craving a burger, but I'm good. Tomorrow I shall experiement with kiwi's. Goodnight!
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